
Hi everyone, i love the topic of today! I currently live with a kitty names "Merluza". I named her "Merluza" because i love fishes (fish are friends not food haha) and i think its a funny name. During the quarantine i have been living alone, without my parents, and thats the reason why i decided to adopt some kitty, because we could accompany each other and i could spend a lot of time taking care and playing with her. She was only two months when she arrives to my home, and we inmediately love each others♡. She is currenttly five months old, still a baby kitty. The first time we meet we play for hours and after she lay in my arms and we took a nap together. What i love the most is sleeping with her, because she clings to me and we snuggle. Sometimes i have a lot of anxiety and she help me calm down. She accompanies me all day, even when i eat lunch, during my classes, when i go to the bathroom or when i take a shower. I love her so much♡.

La imagen puede contener: planta, gato y exteriorNo hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.


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